Gregor Smith is a web designer who sometimes put fingers to keyboard in order to commit his nonsensical train of thoughts for posterity. He was born some 30 odd years ago just outside Glasgow in a harsh and desolate land called Scotland. From there he honed his craft with a vision to change the world, one pixel at a time.
Through an increasingly bizarre series of happenstances he found himself living in Atlanta, GA. making a living coding just about any programming language you can think of, HTML, PHP, .NET, ColdFusion, you name it, he’s done it. Cue another series of misadventures and he wound up in Charlotte, NC. living the classic American Dream, living the life, networking and generally being the same quiet, unassuming guy he’s always been.
After an amazing sequence of events, including car chases, sexual conquests, a ridiculous amount of gold paint and the defeat of the assassin known as Oddjob, he found himself staring at the interior of a nuclear device. The final seconds were ticking down. Did he cut the blue wire, or did he cut the red wire?
The plot of Goldfinger aside, he’s now come full circle and is back in Scotland.
He also thinks of himself as a writer, and even started to write a novel called “By The Grace Of God” that depicted human life leading up to the Apocalypse. But it was shit, so he quit, and it got lost in a hard drive failure, no big loss.
He’s an unbelieving Gemini who actually enjoyed The Phantom Menace strictly as a starting point for the whole Star Wars saga.
He likes to refer to himself in the third person, apparently.
He also has a portfolio site that showcases some of the stuff he thinks he’s done.
If you want to reach him, you can do so via e-mail or instant messenger.
E-Mail: gregor [at] G-Mail & Google Talk: MSN: AIM: Always FLC ICQ: 34020034
Gregor Smith is a web designer who sometimes put fingers to keyboard in order to commit his nonsensical train of thoughts for posterity. He was born some 30 odd years ago just outside Glasgow in a harsh and desolate land called Scotland. From there he honed his craft with a vision to change the world, one pixel at a time.
Through an increasingly bizarre series of happenstances he found himself living in Atlanta, GA. making a living coding just about any programming language you can think of, HTML, PHP, .NET, ColdFusion, you name it, he’s done it. Cue another series of misadventures and he wound up in Charlotte, NC. living the classic American Dream, living the life, networking and generally being the same quiet, unassuming guy he’s always been.
After an amazing sequence of events, including car chases, sexual conquests, a ridiculous amount of gold paint and the defeat of the assassin known as Oddjob, he found himself staring at the interior of a nuclear device. The final seconds were ticking down. Did he cut the blue wire, or did he cut the red wire?
The plot of Goldfinger aside, he’s now come full circle and is back in Scotland.
He also thinks of himself as a writer, and even started to write a novel called “By The Grace Of God” that depicted human life leading up to the Apocalypse. But it was shit, so he quit, and it got lost in a hard drive failure, no big loss.
He’s an unbelieving Gemini who actually enjoyed The Phantom Menace strictly as a starting point for the whole Star Wars saga.
He likes to refer to himself in the third person, apparently.
He also has a portfolio site that showcases some of the stuff he thinks he’s done.
If you want to reach him, you can do so via e-mail or instant messenger.
E-Mail: gregor [at]
G-Mail & Google Talk:
AIM: Always FLC
ICQ: 34020034
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